

Kick-start your next product. Fast, affordable, and stress-free development.

July 4, 2024

Turn your idea into the market-ready MVP in less than a month. With all you need to launch and run it.

All included. Web application as your core product, landing page to drive sales, and SEO-ready blog to start getting organic traffic.

Complete infrastructure. Get seamless integration with payment gateways, user authentication systems, and email marketing platforms.

How it works

  • Specifications: We discuss your idea and craft a detailed document outlining your future product. It serves as an agreement and guides us during the process.
  • Development: Watch your MVP come alive in real-time through a private Discord channel, with regular updates at every milestone.
  • Launch: We deploy the product on your server, onboard you, and show you the ropes, ensuring a smooth take-off.


Fixed price with no hidden costs at $2,999/MVP

  • Web app, landing page, and blog.
  • Your design to code.
  • No design? We’ll build the UI with a beautiful component library.
  • Integrations: payments, API, databases, authentication, analytics, and newsletters.
  • Setup and deployment.
  • Onboarding to teach you how to handle your product.


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