

Easy-to-use web analytics tool for the rest of us.

June 19, 2024


Microanalytics is a free, cookieless web analytics tool with goal tracking. Fully compliant with GDPR, PECR, and CCPA. Uncover a deeper understanding of your visitors' behavior and preferences, all while respecting their privacy rights, with our cutting-edge, privacy-first analytics platform.


  • Goal Conversion Tracking
  • No Cookies
  • Real Time Analytics‍
  • The Top-Tier Privacy-First Analytics
  • User Behavior and Acquisitions Insight
  • Technology Breakdown, Events, and Data Export
  • Real-Time Analytics and Geographic Distribution


Simple Traffic-Based Pricing. 30-day free trial on all plans. Cancel any time.

  • Free: 1000 pageviews / month
  • Starter: $9/mo for 25k pageviews per month
  • Growth: $29/mo for 200k pageviews per month
  • Pro: $99/mo for 1M pageviews per month


  • Wolfgang S. - “The best GA4 alternative for my clients”
  • Jorg P. - “Beautiful privacy-based analytics solution”
  • Maarten M - "Everything you need but a lot easier to understand”

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